Monday, December 26, 2005

You can't put yr arms around a memory

"She went silent in her fury and her pain

I missed her tender voice,
the one that read to me every night

The voice that comforted me when
I was sick

I turned from my sister in a time of crisis because I was selfish and wanted only her comforting tones

I wanted her to continue as she had been when she was safe

One night darkness like a fever swallowed her up
and all I had was memories

Memories and the knowledge that I had failed her

I had not been there for her as she had been for me

I walked deep into night without even a flashlight, searching

I had no idea how to find her and was sure that I'd be lost, too

I wanted to be as I didn't want to live without her and for years I haven't been alive"

Old but newer poem

"Unburdened by the dark, slip out of danger

Glove casually thrown down on a sidewalk
leaves others the question

Between shadows,
infinitesimal cracks become raging gaps

Eliding the pitfall, keep on gliding

Sound of footsteps diminish as the hunt continues

The revolution comes and goes,
never truly ends where silence remains."

Monday, December 12, 2005

Waiting For The Fingerbrush

"These nights are blind
Tangled up under trees, sky
Like us, fear and joy mingle

Everything by the way of love is unseen
Still you take me slowly in your eyes
I can barely do more than tremble
As your original face becomes known to me"